One of the books that changed my life, and continues to transform it every time I pick it up, is 'Circle of Stones' by Judith Duerk. When I found it, it was the first time I'd ever felt...
We've all heard that we have a choice. In every moment, we have a choice in what we think and what we put our attention on. Sounds easy enough, right?
Except when life throws you heartbreak, right...
Acceptance is a beautiful thing. It's that time in your life when you stop fighting, you let go of the stories and the expectations and the grief, and you accept. You see that it is what it is....
I want you to know something, mama...
Matrescence is about more than just being a mother - this is about being a woman.
A woman who knows herself, who listens to herself, and who values herself.
Not too long ago, most of the transition of motherhood was invisible. We were so focused on childbirth, and the perfect birth plan, and then beyond that? All about the baby.
But that is beginning...
* Adult language used in this episode *
This is an exciting time. We’re having conversations about what it means to be a woman, a mother, an equal, all over the world. New barriers are being...
There's something you need to know, mama.
It's the secret to what you've been feeling since starting this motherhood journey. It's the missing link, the forgotten transition of womanhood.
50% Complete
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